Happy Friday FFMS families! It was really nice to get a full week in at school. I have attached the Friday Focus. A few things to note : 8th grade families- the next deposit of $175 for the DC trip is due on Feb. 7th. Also, winter formal is scheduled for February 21st. We have a 3 day weekend due to Martin Luther King Day. Enjoy your weekend and GO CADETS! https://5il.co/35etd
4 days ago, Rachael Tullius
Join the challenge!
5 days ago, Fort Frye Local School District
I hope everyone has enjoyed an extra long Christmas break. I'm hoping to see you everyone on Monday :) I have attached the Friday Focus. https://5il.co/34qgw
11 days ago, Rachael Tullius
Register for Engineering Day!
12 days ago, Fort Frye Local School District
Please help us share the following job posting for an afternoon custodian position at Fort Frye High School and Fort Frye Middle School.
about 1 month ago, Fort Frye Local School District
afternoon custodian
The Washington County Health Department partnered with the 7th grade Fort Frye Wellness Class to create posters about the environmental impact of vaping. The posters will be presented at Community Day on Friday.
about 1 month ago, Fort Frye Local School District
Liz Ullman, a PA student at Marietta College, presented about the effects of E cigarettes and vaping to our 8th grade students.
2 months ago, Fort Frye Local School District
8th grade
The 7th grade wellness class participated in a campus clean-up led by Addison Holcomb, intern from the Washington County Health Department. The classes have focused on the environmental impacts of vaping.
2 months ago, Fort Frye Local School District
Fort Frye Middle School 7th grade wellness class received shirts and books from the Washington County Health Department. The students wrote letters to local legislatures about the environmental impact of vaping.
2 months ago, Fort Frye Local School District
Happy Friday! It's been a great Start with Hello week. Start with Hello is a bullying prevention program we use at Fort Frye Local Schools. We have had some very meaningful conversations this week. The Friday Focus is attached as well as information about Box Tops. The middle school PTO set up a box top account! It is extremely easy and you don't have to cut anymore. It's a great way to raise money for our school. https://5il.co/2xopk https://5il.co/2xopj Parent teacher conferences are next Thursday. We do not send conference papers home with students as papers rarely make it home. It's easy to set up a conference with a teacher or a group of teachers. Call Kelli Walsh at 740-984-2376 ext. 1230 or email her at kelli.walsh@fortfrye.org and she will get you scheduled. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! https://5il.co/2xp0c
4 months ago, Rachael Tullius
Fort Frye Local School District is seeking a School Treasurer. Please help us spread the word!
4 months ago, Fort Frye Local School District
COVID guidelines have changed this year. We are now treating it like a respiratory illness. The Ohio Department of Health recommends we follow CDC guidelines. These recommended guidelines say: They should be 24 hours fever free without the use of fever-reducing medication (ibuprofen, tylenol, etc) AND Symptoms should be improving It is recommended that when they return, they wear a mask, but again not required. Therefore, we will not be using the COVID Exempt code this year. Instead it will be parent excused days or medical excused days if they have a note from a doctors office. Below is the link to the CDC website where the information can be found. https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/prevention/precautions-when-sick.html
5 months ago, Fort Frye Local School District
Click the link to see the Friday Focus to stay updated with what is happening at FFMS. It was a great first full week of school! Reminder, we do not have school on Monday due to Labor Day. I hope everyone has a restful long weekend. Good luck to all of our students showing at the fair. Go Cadets! https://5il.co/2vaz8
5 months ago, Rachael Tullius
The Jr High Volleyball game on Thursday 8/29/24 will now be a home game. We will go to Waterford on 9/16/24. Game starts at 5:30 pm, Beverly-Center Elementary.
5 months ago, Matt Tullius
The Jr High Football game vs Woodsfield on Thursday will kickoff at 7:00 pm, instead of 6:00. The gates will open to the public at 6:00 pm.
5 months ago, Matt Tullius
FFMS families, We have had a wonderful first week of school! Our 6th grade students have done a fantastic job transitioning to middle school. Click the link below to see the Friday Focus. Enjoy your weekend. https://5il.co/2uj39
5 months ago, Rachael Tullius
The activity bus will begin this Thursday August 22nd. It will run Mondays-Thursdays. Departure time is 5:45 pm from behind the high school. The bus will make the following stops... Coal Run Post Office Lowell Elementary Intersection of St. Rt. 530 & County Rd. 8 Intersection of Dogwood Ln. & St. Rt. 821 Warner People's Savings Bank Lower Salem Intersection of St.Rt. 821 & Germantown Rd. Polk's Market Whipple Twin Rivers Church
5 months ago, Matt Tullius
Athletic season passes are now available. They can be purchased at the link below. Prices are Student $55, Senior Citizen $55, Adult $100, Family $230. https://fortfrye.hometownticketing.com/embed/all
5 months ago, Matt Tullius
Important dates
6 months ago, Rachael Tullius
Upcoming Dates
Reminder that Tuesday August 6th, at 6:00 pm is the OHSAA Parent Meeting and Meet the Team. This will be held in the high school auditorium. All Fall student athletes grades 7-12 and a parent/guardian must attend this meeting.
6 months ago, Matt Tullius