Students solving problems is hosting a Valentines Spirit week! Can wait to see your spirit!

The Wellness Committee established this week, 2/10-2/14, as Random Acts of Kindness Week. The Salem-Liberty staff, is asking to honor one of their former students who was tragically killed in a car accident last week. Her name was Josie Treadway Cunningham. Josie was truly the sweetest and most kind-hearted person. She always thought of others and often considered their needs before her own. This week, in her honor, we want you to "Be a Josie". Be kind. Think of others, have a kind heart, and do for others.

Here is the link to the February 7th Edition of What is UP at the FORT
Have a great week at the Fort and Welcome to the Weekend!

#ArmourUp #BB2C #ACC #internships #careerexploration

Appalachian Youth Led Prevention Council (AYLPC).
If you are interested in learning more about the AYLPC, please contact
saftabizadeh@appchildren.org and see the attached flyer and QR code.

Here is the link to the January 31st Edition of What is UP at the FORT.
Have a Great Week at the Fort! #ArmourUp

Here is the link to the January 24th Edition of What is UP at the FORT.
Have a Great week at the Fort! #ArmourUp

With this being school closing #6 of the year, we are now implementing REMOTE DAY #1.
Details were recently sent out, but here are a few reminders:
1. Most assignments and lessons are on Google Classroom, but teachers communicated with students specific information and expectations for these days.
2. Assignments are available to everyone no later than 8am.
3. Teachers are available via email between 8am and 2:30pm. Please communicate with teachers with any questions during these times.
4. Assignments are "officially" due 7 days from the date assigned, however with High School classes and content, it is important to stay up to date as much as possible and it is highly recommended to complete the same day if at all possible.
5. College (CCP) courses may have different expectations and deadlines, so please communicate with your teachers.
Stay warm and safe everyone!

Here is the January 17th Edition of What is UP at the FORT.
Stay warm and Have a GREAT week at the FORT!

Join the challenge!

Please see the flyer regarding CCP Night for parents that is required for any student that is interested in taking CCP (College Credit Plus) Classes either at FFHS or on a college campus during the 2025-26 school year. If you have any questions, please call the High School office at 740-984-2376.

Happy Snow Day #5!
With the entire week being "Snowed Out" we needed to move a few events to the upcoming week of January 13-17. Students scheduled to take Fall AIR tests, please look at the new dates and your emails for details.
A reminder that if we have any more school closings, we will be implementing our Remote learning and teachers will be having lessons and assignments on Google Classroom. If you have specific questions on classes, please email your teachers.
Have a Great Week at the Fort! #ArmourUp
Here is a link to the January 10th Edition of What is UP at the FORT.

Register for Engineering Day!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas, New Years, and Break!
We are heading into January and the 2nd semester.
Here is the link to the January 3rd Edition of What is UP at the FORT.
Have a Great week at the Fort and hopefully enjoy a little snow!

Fort Frye Boys and Girls Basketball Teams were in action Saturday morning at Warren High School in the "Clash at the Coliseum"
The JV Boys started the day with a win over Southern,
The Varsity Boys lost another heartbreaker 46-45 to Southern. Clayton Miller was the Fort Frye game MVP with 29 points.
The Varsity Girls ended the Cadet day with a hard fought win over a good Belpre team 52-44. Haven Shilling was named the game MVP for Fort Frye. #ArmourUp

Please help us share the following job posting for an afternoon custodian position at Fort Frye High School and Fort Frye Middle School.

Last week before the end of the semester and Christmas Break.
We are excited to host our annual "We Are Fort Frye" Community Day on Friday December 20th, when we welcome and interact with the so many outstanding local colleges, businesses, service groups, and many more stakeholders in the Fort Frye Community.
Here is the link to the December 13th Edition of What is UP at the FORT.

Christmas is coming and so is the end of the first semester.
There are only 2 weeks left with many activities included.
Have a Great Week at the Fort and Finish Strong everyone!
Here is a link to the December 6th Edition of What is UP at the FORT

Career Pathways

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
We are now on the countdown to Christmas and the end of the 1st semester so the December 1st Edition of What is Up at the Fort looks ahead 3 weeks to get us to that point.
Have a Great Week at the Fort!