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Fort Frye Local Schools Wellness Plan
Fort Frye Local Schools is passionately committed to promoting knowledge, skills, and habits for life-long wellness through educated, healthy decision-making. Positive and safe nutritional, physical, social, and emotional choices will allow our students, staff, and school community to develop and sustain healthy bodies and healthy minds that in turn foster healthy relationships. Our wellness program encourages and supports abstaining from harmful behaviors and the development of a positive, safe school culture. Such programs provide wrap-around services for our students.
As part of our wellness plan, the district sponsors a District Wellness Committee that provides recommendations and guidance to the district in regards to programming, curriculum, activities, and Board of Education policies related to wellness education. The District Wellness Committee does not set curriculum or issue mandates, but makes recommendations and offers support for wellness and wrap-around service efforts throughout the district and school community. The District Wellness Committee will meet at least quarterly as needed. Team members include administrators, teachers, support staff, mental health provider representative, students, Board of Education member, parents, school nurse, Washington County Health Department, and/or community members.
The district’s wellness objectives for the school year are as follows:
Continue to implement a comprehensive wellness and wrap-around services program grades preK-12 across the district, focused on healthy minds, healthy bodies, and healthy relationships.
Support the implementation of a K-12 Health/Wellness curriculum and procurement of resources that reflect the National Health Education Standards and meet Grades K-12 Ohio legislated requirements for health education curriculum. This includes topics related to nutrition for life-long healthy eating habits, encouraging physical exercise during and after school, handling stress with positive coping strategies, bullying, harassment, and suicide prevention, abstaining from sex, drugs, alcohol and other risky behaviors, and other social, emotional, and physical skills. This school year, we will include an emphasis on technology safety and the importance of sleep to healthy living.
Provide mental health supports and programming that foster hope and build a positive and safe school culture.
Make available healthy and positive summer activities to promote healthy lifestyles and reduce the potential of risky behaviors.
Provide family educational programming throughout the school year related to wellness topics.
Maintain community partnerships with local and county agencies to provide wellness services to students.
Offer a staff wellness activity at least once per nine-weeks in addition to providing information related to well-being.
Ensure students in the District have access to healthy foods throughout the school day ‒ both through reimbursable school meals and other foods available throughout the school campus‒ in accordance with Federal and state nutrition standards